
“I don’t want this guy gettin’ in your head, cuz he’s in mine a little bit.
I don’t want you to forget that you’re bringing something to the table.
You’ve got that Carl-ness.
That little twinkle in your eye, and you’re givin’ it to me right now.
That little glint that says they’re never gonna beat you; they can’t lay a glove on you.
Don’t forget that cuz you can’t put a price tag on that.
End of sermon.”
(From the film You, Me and Dupree)

Friends, things are looking up!! The vaccine has been approved! The McRib is back at McDonalds. (I had one the other day, and it was just as I had remembered – incredibly messy and incredibly scrumptious) I feel like we are all getting back to our ***(insert your name)-ness. You’ve got that “you-ness” that’s been lying dormant for a lot of this year, and I think that the “ness” in all of us is sick and tired of hiding out in the bunkers. Our “ness” is bursting at the seams. Our “ness” is ready to bloom again.

Yesterday, I ran some mundane chores (nothing out of the usual), but I dressed out for it. And my friends and my family know that I am not afraid to take risks and chances when it comes to fashion. I felt more “myself” than I had felt in a long, long time. I said to my husband, “I miss my Kel-ness. I need to bring her back to the front row.” I am a little rusty. I forgot to put on earrings and I have hundreds of pairs to choose from, but that’s okay. My Kel-ness came back quicker than I thought. She’s been dying to get out. She is tired of being patient. (She still wears a mask and stays within social distance mandates, of course, but she doesn’t let that take away from the rest of her zesty Kel-ness.)

One of my friends is a social butterfly. She’s like a one-woman flock of social butterflies, that’s how social she is, at her very core. Like many extreme extroverts, this year has floored her to her lowest of lows, at times, but yesterday she texted that she had reconnected with people she hadn’t heard from in years and I could feel her “***-ness” flowing through the 5G cellular network. This is a woman who has more friends that I could possibly count. And yet, she can’t ever seem to get enough of all of them. Her “ness” was back. And it inspired me.

We are on the cusp of better days. We still have to be a little more patient, but in the meantime, bring out your “****-ness”. Polish up the parts of you, which feel the most authentic and right and meant to share with the world. Polish up the parts of you, that are your purest being. Remind yourself of what really makes you, you. That “you-ness” is your unique gift to the world. That “you-ness” is your true purpose in this pattern which we call Creation. Don’t apologize for it. Let it shine! You’ve missed your “ness”. The world misses your “ness.” Light a little fire under your “ness.” We are starting to wake up from hibernation. We are starting to remember that it is good to feel good. When we all are living fully in our own individual “nesses”, that’s when the world really begins to glow. I saw this quote on the internet today:

Ego says, Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace. Spirit says, Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.

I think that we feel the most peace when we are being our purest, truest, fearless selves. We feel peace when we give ourselves permission to be our highest forms of our own “-ness” without cover, shame, apologies or confusion. Perhaps, in finally tiring of this very trying, messed up, annoying year, a majority of us have started finding our way back to our “nesses”, despite it all, and in doing that, we have found a sense of peace. Miraculously then, it seems that the world around us starts to look like a more magnificent, hopeful place than it has looked like in a long time. You don’t believe me? Go get a McRib.