
“The truth is simple. If it were complicated everyone would understand it.” – Unknown

I don’t need to form an opinion nor explanation about the above quote. It’s simple. Anything I would write, would complicate it.

This next quote was told to me years ago by a friend, who said that her grandmother would say it all of the time. I didn’t quite understand it, and I needed her to explain it to me:

“Snow does not fall to kill the world, but that every beasty shows its tracks.”

She said that it means that a lot of times what we think are “bad things” happening, happen only to suss the bad players out. So in that sense, “the bad things” are actually “good things”, or at the very least “good things” usually always come out of the “bad things.” And it is always wise to remember, when the “beasties” show us their tracks, this reminds us that the beasties are all around, and we should not follow them to our own detriment.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2769. What childlike characteristics do you still retain?