Monday Fun-Day


“I’ve already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be.” – Joan Didion

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do, are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Don’t compare yourself to people who pretend to have it all together.” – Turtlebreezee

“Self care should be a daily practice, not an emergency procedure.” – love yourself (Twitter)

I find Mondays to be good “listening days.” I just put my head down, keep it simple and reflect on how I would like for my week to go. Mondays, tend to be good “find myself and center myself” days. When I go full bore, and I try to get all of my weekly chores done on a Monday, that always ends up being a lesson in frustration and futility. Mondays can be “fun days”, if we keep our expectations in check and our equilibriums finely tuned. May today be an excellent Monday!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.