Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Our prayers are with you, Louisiana. You are strong survivors!! You will prevail⚜.

Sundays are devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. Poetry is the song of the heart. Poetry is the line of communication between your heart and your deepest intuition. Despite sometimes being puzzling and relying on your own personal interpretation, you can discover so much about yourself by reading and by writing poetry. Write a poem today. Write a love poem to yourself. I think that you will treasure it. Poetry really helps you to hone in on what truly and deeply resonates with you. And that truly matters. It does matter.

credit: Vicki

Yesterday, my dear friend painted the above lovely picture of the koi. Isn’t it a beautiful watercolor? Do something creative today, whether it be writing, or cooking, or painting, or drawing, or singing or dancing or doodling. Savor the experience. Be in the moment. It will be a wonderful way to end your week, and to start a new one, afresh. Here is my poem for today:


She opened her inbox,

The emails were piled on top of each other,

Like a giant block of meaningless letters,

All vying for her attention.

Unsolicited, automated, unnecessary distractions.

She checked them all off, except for a precious few,

And she decidedly deleted them,

Out of sight, out of mind.

Plunged them into the file called:


She recently read that every single day,

she thinks 50,000 random thoughts.

Perhaps she should remember to sort her thoughts,

like she does her email inbox.

So that her attention can remain on the thoughts that matter.

And that the trash thoughts can be easily deleted,

with an easy click, like a blink of her eye.

So all that is left in the inbox of her mind,

Is insight, and mindful peace.

And all that remains is the file called:
