Stay As Long As You Can

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. That is all.” – Oscar Wilde

I read this quote the other day and it made me feel quite sad. I hope Oscar has it wrong. I remember being in my first real professional job out of college and a female manager told me, “The role of the woman in the 1990s is to cope, just cope.”

Everything in my body recoiled at that statement. I remember thinking, “No way. I’m not going to “just cope.” There’s a hell of a lot more to life than coping. I plan to thrive.”

Now, there have been dark times in my life when I have been brought to my knees and it took every breath in my body, to just cope or exist in that moment. I imagine that there are those moments for everybody. But those are just moments. Those moments pass because there is something stronger and deeper in each of us that innately understands that existing is not enough. Life is meant to be fully explored, exploited and turned inside out until every morsel of being-ness has been not just tasted, but devoured and digested until we are satiated with the full feeling of satisfaction, gratification and joy. It is our responsibility to realize this. We have a choice. We can just exist. According to Oscar Wilde and my old boss, that’s what most of us do. But we have all of the tools inside of us to thrive and radiate and prosper and flourish, if we choose to open the floodgates of life, teeming inside of us, aching to expand.

“Life is amazing; live it to the fullest. Stay as long as you can.” – Valerie Harper