
Good morning. I afforded myself the luxury of sleeping in a little – something I rarely do on a Monday. My daughter also brought home a gigantic slice of peanut butter pie (a top favorite of mine) from her work last night, and I have already eaten several bites of it. I think that I am feeling a tad rebellious against typical manic Mondays today. And it’s delicious.

The picture above is “Sassenach”, a Valais sheep. (On an aside, anyone who has ever watched Outlander knows that Jamie lovingly calls his wife Claire, “Sassenach”. However, “Sassenach” is typically a derogatory term for English people, used by the Scots and the Irish. It’s all in the tone you say it in, I suppose.) I have a feeling that this gorgeous sheep is also more lovingly called “Sassenach” because he lives at the lovely Arnbeg Farmstay in Scotland. The Arnbeg Farmstay is on my bucket list. It is a bed and breakfast on a working sheep farm in Scotland. Here is their website:

Until I see this beautiful farm in person, I lap up their posts on Twitter. And as a Monday bonus, here’s another wonderful picture of Valais sheep (I don’t believe that these particular sheep live in Arnbeg). Is there anything cuter?!

Rebel a little this Monday. You won’t regret it.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The Golden Child

I think that we could break down the days of the week into different roles of a dysfunctional family.  Here goes . . .  Meet the The Weekly Family:

Saturday – The Family Clown.  The Good Times Guy.  The Party Person.

Sunday – The Saintly Child with a Tinge of Melancholia.

Monday – The Bad Seed.  The Ornery Brat from Hell.  The Total PITA with Personality Disorders Galore.

Tuesday – The Hard Worker.  The Do-er.  The One You Go to When You Need to Get Things Done.  The One Who Organizes Family Reunions and Does All of the Clean-Up Afterwards.  The Martyr.

Wednesday – The Ignored Middle Child.  The Red-Headed Step-Child.

Thursday – The Drama Queen.  The One Living on the Edge. . . .

Living on the edge of what, you ask?  Well, on the edge of Friday, of course!!!

Friday!!! – Everyone’s Favorite!  The Golden Child!!  The Reason for the Rest of The Weekly Family’s existence!!!

Happy Friday, my friends!!!!  Today we are all Friday kids!!!  Today, you are Mom’s Favorite!!

I’m in a looney mood today, obviously.  Friday brings it out in me.  So, I’m going to try something different with my three favorites on Favorite Things Friday.  (New readers, I typically go “all practical” on Fridays and stay on the surface by listing three things/tips/songs/products/books, etc. that I like and recommend to my beloved readers.  Please see all previous Friday posts for ideas.)  That being said, this Friday is different.  Being an animal/nature lover, I have decided to start a virtual farm.  I have added three amazingly cool and heart-achingly cute animals to my virtual farm.  I will tell you a little about my beautiful additions to my Favorite Things Friday farm, but I will require you to go on a virtual scavenger hunt to look them up for yourselves.  No links are being added.  Trust me, I don’t make any money on this blog, but the value I get from being connected to you, my beloved readers, is PRICELESS!

Welcome to the F-T-F Ranch (although none of these animals are getting branded or sold to slaughterhouses; they are totally free-range).  Meet my beautiful animals:

Valais Blacknose Sheep – I have a whole herd of cuteness with these babies on my virtual farm!  I can’t get enough of these precious sheep.  They are the perfect mix of ebony and ivory.  Stevie Wonder would agree. They originated in Switzerland.  I think everything in Switzerland must be cute.  These sheep are good on mountains and really good on the eyes.  Look them up for your fill of overall, amazing every-day cuteness.

Narwhals –  All girls love unicorns, but we have to understand that unicorns aren’t really real.  However, these adorable whales that look like “under-water unicorns” and live in the arctic waters on my virtual farm, are really real.  They are in the same family as Beluga whales and can live up to 50 years.  That 4-10 feet long horn that they swim around with is actually a tooth!  There are only about 75,000 narwhals left in existence, so I’m very fortunate to have some swimming around the F-T-F Ranch.

Long-Tailed Tit Bird – These little birds are sometimes called “flying lollipops.”  I kid you not!  Talk about Cute with a Capital “C”!  Oh, my gosh!  I have flocks of these precious tit birds flying around my virtual farm.  These “Darling Dum-dums” (I came up with that nickname, I like it better than “tit bird”) are commonly found flying the friendly  European and Asian skies.  These are teeny, tiny featherballs and they are just so precious to look at and delight in.

Okay, so please tell me what other creatures (preferably incredibly cute) that I should add to my virtual farm.  I highly recommend starting your own virtual farm/ranch.  They are very easy to maintain and are pretty cheap to run.  The enjoyment you get learning about your virtual animals and being able to view their pictures and action videos will make you so grateful and in awe of our Maker and Mother Nature.  I promise you.

I leave you with this quote.  Have a wonderful weekend, my dear Friday friends!  Don’t be afraid to let your inner child out for some fun.

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.   There are seven million.” – Walt Streightiff