Monday’s Valor

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


Like so many of us, I have been completely in awe, and incredibly inspired by the courageous Ukrainian people and their magnificent real-life hero of a leader, Volodymyr Zelensky. I read somewhere that never has the majority of the world felt so united since 9/11. Doesn’t this feeling of unity feel so good? It’s been too long. Why must it take evil and violence for the world to wake up to how good solidarity feels to the majority of us all? A Tweet from Julius Kim (@Julius_Kim) says it best, I think:

“The war in #Ukraine touches the world so deeply because the little guy everywhere is so sick of being pushed around by bullies. Ukraine is us, and we are Ukraine.”

My Prayer

Dear God,

I am so fatigued by the pain, anger and divisiveness that is constantly creeping its way throughout our collective being until it bursts out into the open, in the physical form of unspeakable acts of violence and cruelty.  Please guide me through this fatigue to the reality that what appears is not real.  The real truth is that we are all One.  We are all Love.  Like a broken mirror, broken into a gazillion little pieces, we are still all one in the same.  Each little shard of this mirror would still show the same reflection of You, of Light and of Love, even if some of the shards are completely clouded by the filth of fear, pain, and hate.  Please help me to see the light in all beings, no matter how dim it appears.  Please remind me of the real, true power of the collective light of Love.  Help me to notice that we are all just different cells with different purposes in this Great Body.  Remind me that we all make up the trunk, branches, leaves, and roots of this beautiful Tree of Life.   You are the vast ocean, dear God, and we are the waves.  We are all One.  There are many, many paths that lead to you, God.  Please help us to all turn our faces, our hearts, and our intuitive compasses, to the way that leads to the Light, so that all of our paths to You are headed to the only destiny that there really is, in the end.  This is the destiny of Love.

Thank you for my faith and my hope and my inner peace that All is Well.
