Stick with the Good Friday

Happy Good Friday! Fridays are all good, but Good Friday is the “goodest” of all. The above picture is a sticker that you can purchase from Zazzle. I LOVE that stickers are making a big comeback. My sister and I shared a carefully curated sticker collection when we were little girls. Now my twenty-something kids purchase stickers all of the time. Recently, my eldest son’s girlfriend purchased one of the neatest stickers that I have ever seen from one of our local touristy towns. It had the depiction of an old-fashioned postcard but it also had a QR code on it that opened up to a slide show of all of the highlights of the town. So today, my favorite for this Friday, is stickers. Aren’t they grand? I might have to start up a collection of my own, to rival my childhood album of stickers.

*****Every single year since I started writing this daily blog, I have taken Easter weekend off from writing. I try to practice what I preach. I truly believe that Easter weekend is the ultimate RESET button and pressing this button, is exactly what I need to do. On Easter, I take time from my “typical” daily, routine life, to just be. I use Easter weekend to rest, rejuvenate, reflect and restore. Easter is the ultimate reminder of true, unconditional love. Allow this pure love to flow freely to you, all weekend long. Come back to your everyday life on Monday – reset, rested, restored and revitalized. See you then!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

932. Is there any experience that you regret not having had yet?

True Love


My friend was talking fondly about her late brother the other day. She mentioned that he was full of energy and loved to play pranks on people. What struck me the most, was when my friend mentioned that her brother had a lovely wife who adored him. My friend made a point of saying that her brother’s wife found everything that he did, to be funny and amusing and intriguing, even when others were getting annoyed with him.

I thought to myself, that’s when we feel the most loved, isn’t it? We feel the most loved when a person really sees us, when another person sees the complete authentic, unfiltered, core of us, and loves and adores every bit of it. That’s true, unconditional love, and it feels so good to experience it, either as the lover, or as the beloved. Unconditional love is the best gift we could ever give to anyone, and it is the best gift which we will ever receive. Nothing else compares. Nothing.

25 Unconditional Love Quotes with Images - Freshmorningquotes |  Inspirational quotes, Words, Unconditional love quotes

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends. I know that this holiday can be triggering for some people who are not currently in a romantic relationship. It can even be stressful and awkward for people who are in romantic relationships. I have heard Valentine’s Day discounted as a “Hallmark Holiday” many times over the years. Whatever it means (or doesn’t mean) to you, why not let Valentine’s Day be a day to celebrate the feeling of Love? Why not let it be a reminder to all of us, about just how good it feels to share the realest part of us? We are all made of Love, at our very cores. It feels so good to love our lovers, and our families, and our friends, and our pets, and our homes, and our communities, and our creations, and our vocations, and our vacations, and our hobbies, and our delicacies, and our quiet times, and our crazy times, and ourselves . . . . . Love is the main motivation and reason as to why we really do anything. Maybe on Valentines Day, what we are really celebrating, is the feeling of Love, which is the main reason why we put any effort into living. If nothing else, use this day to give Love back to you. You are full of Love. Love is eternal and always replenishes, so don’t be afraid to share your Love, ever.

My regular readers know that on Sundays I share poems written by me, or by some other poet who has moved me with their words. Please feel free to share your poems in my Comments section. This is a safe spot to share. Below is today’s poem. It is written by a poet who goes by “m.k.”. I think that this poem describes unconditional love, beautifully.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.