Fire-Breathing Friday

My post yesterday hit quite the nerve. It appears more of you need to turn into dragons and guard the finite, yet infinitely valuable treasure of your time. Only give your time away to those activities and people that/who are inspiring and rewarding to you. Take this weekend to carefully consider if you have been carelessly, thoughtlessly, and perhaps even “self-harmingly” giving away too much of the greatest treasure of your own precious time. No one will be your dragon, but you. Be that dragon and respect other dragons. In the Asian Zodiac, people with the dragon element are “charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful and they are naturally lucky and gifted.” (credit: Own and cultivate your inner dragon. Deep down, your dragon is within you. Go to your depths to discover your beautiful, ferocious, protective inner dragon.

Happy Friday, my fellow dragons!! Thank you for spending your valuable time here at the blog. I hope that you find it to be time well spent. Writing this blog every morning is one of my all-time favorite ways to spend my time. Every Friday (which is my favorite day of the week), I focus on favorites – usually tactile, material favorites, such as real gold coins. I love gold. I consider gold to be a favorite. However, today’s favorite is liquid gold. It is the best stain remover that I have come across yet. The other day I was wearing a new cream colored shirt that depicts all four of my children’s shared university. I love this shirt, and it was only the second or third time that I had ever worn it. It appears that I splashed spaghetti sauce on it, but I was negligently unaware of that fact, and so I washed the cream colored shirt and I dried it, only to discover the ugly orange sauce spots after pulling the shirt out of the dryer. (I’m taking a pause to breathe some fire here.) However, I soon breathed a sigh of relief, because I knew that I had a bottle of Incredible! stain remover (you can get this on Amazon, of course) in my cabinet. Incredible! lives up to its name and it can be used on so much more than clothing. Buy yourself a bottle of Incredible! in order to house a little bit of peace of mind, in a bottle, in your cabinet.

Have a wonderful weekend spending the most valuable treasure of your own time wisely! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Trees Poem Print Joyce Kilmer I think that I shall never see | Etsy

Good morning, soulmates. As my regular readers know, Sunday is devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. Poems are soultalk. Poems evoke more emotion and wonder and intimacy than your average prose. Write a poem today. Share it in my Comments, if you like. On Sundays, sometimes I write a poem and sometimes I share a poem. Today I will try to do both. The above poem, “Trees”, by Joyce Kilmer is a classic, and it is wonderful. Incidentally, Joyce Kilmer was an American man and sadly, he was killed in action, during World War I. Here is my poem for the day:

“The Seekers”

Two treasure hunters scour the fruitful land,

Eager to see what bounty they can command.

They dredge the sea, for ancient coins, and brilliant jewels.

One seeker is single minded with his vision and his tools.

He fills his ornate box with plenty of wealth and weight.

His overspilling bounty is his focused life’s work’s fate.

The other seeker is easily distracted by the beauty all around him,

Often instead of searching in waters, he chooses to softly swim.

He takes time to nourish the creatures that share his borrowed space.

He stares at the starry skies, in wonder of this magical place.

Who in the end, ends up with the greatest treasure?

I suppose it all depends on how you choose to measure.

Seeker one is tethered to a heavy, worldly treasure, with which is hard to part,

Whereas seeker two, is much lighter. His wondrous treasure is stored within his heart.

Windows of the Soul

Keeping on the theme of sparkles, I love sparkly-eyed people.  They always look like they are in on some fabulous secret.  Sparkly-eyed people have the look like they know about the incredible surprise party that’s about ready to happen and they just can’t wait for the reaction.  My grandmother used to say fondly, “They look like they have the knick in ’em.”  I think she meant that mischievous, fun quality that some people just seem to have in spades.

My favorite picture of our four children is a picture that was taken right after my daughter was born.  My good friend, an excellent photographer agreed to come over to our home to do a photography session when my daughter was only about a week old.  How she ever got four children ages eight and under to come together for photos that will always be my lifetime favorites just proves her talent!  In my favorite picture, my two middle sons have caught each other’s eyes and are looking at each other with naughty little grins and sparkly eyes, as their responsible big brother gazes lovingly at the tiny little baby girl in his arms.   My second son, an instigator and pot-stirrer by nature, looks like he is doing everything he can do to get his little baby brother with the big, giant conscience to let loose, just by the devilish look in his sparkly eyes.  They aren’t kidding when they say that a picture tells a thousand words.

I cut out a picture from a magazine years ago.  In the picture, three lovely elderly women, all decked out in flowery dresses are laughing joyfully at something that tickled all three of them.  They all have sparkly eyes that seem to shine from the picture, even though the picture is worn and old.  Under the picture, is a caption, a quote from Lauren Bacall.  It says, “I think your whole life shows in your face, and you should be proud of that.”  I’m guessing that sparkly-eyed people don’t take their lives too seriously.  I’m also guessing that they have a lot of laugh lines that they haven’t bothered to “fill in” because sparkly eyes emphasized by laugh lines are a beauty and a treasure to behold!