Stay Level

RIP – Kenny Rogers, thank you for all of the wonderful, memorable, easy to sing along with tunes!

Here’s some things that I have read over the last couple of days that attest to the resiliency of the human spirit, and the kindness and the generosity of our hearts:

+ Holiday lights are being put up again, to give people good cheer, all over the United States

+ The TOMS shoe company has set up a crisis center for people to talk to crisis counselors confidentially, free of charge (text 741741, for more information)

+ On my Nextdoor app (neighborhood social media), someone said “Thank you!” to whoever paid for their hot dog meal at our local Costco. The clerk said that a person had paid for several people’s upcoming meals, who were behind them in line.

+And if you need a laugh, this video had me rolling on the floor laughing:

Just hang on, everyone!! We’re going to pull through this, together. Life is meant to be lived. This is just a pause.

Fortune for the Day – “When things are steep, remember to stay level headed.” – Horace (I seriously just pick these out of a little bag, without looking. The Universe knows what its doing.)