Read, It’s Friday

credit: Pinterest

Good morning! Welcome to the best day of the week. On my favorite day of the week, I discuss the favorite things, websites, experiences, etc. that make life so interesting to live. Today’s favorite for “Favorite Things Friday” on the blog, is a book that was recommended by two different friends, both who have excellent literary tastes. I read this novel all in one day. I could not put it down. My father and my (now deceased) father-in-law are both Vietnam Veterans, so I had heard many stories from the male veteran point of view, but this book goes into what female veterans (mostly medical people, as women weren’t in combat at that time) experienced both in Vietnam, but also the aftermath which they experienced when they got home from the war. The Women by Kristin Hannah is a must-read!

Have a great weekend, friends. See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2059. What’s the simplest way you have fun?