Are you overwhelmed? Are you feeling engulfed with things going on in your personal life, like your job, your personal relationships, your health, etc.? Are you feeling submerged by all of the emotionally charged world events, seemingly popping out of the news exponentially Every. Single. Day.? Today, it’s time to take all of these things that are overwhelming you, and tidily sweep them into the corner. Don’t worry about the size of the pile. Let it all sit in the corner. Breathe. Just breathe. Tell your Higher Power that you have a big old nasty pile in the corner, and that you don’t feel like you have it in you to handle anything right now. Look outside your window. Listen to the calming sounds around you. The same Higher Intelligence which created the Universe, and everything in it, is connected to you. A small part of this overall force of Love and Eternity and Creativity resides inside of you. You are a droplet of the Ocean of All That Is. If you don’t believe that this Force, which created everything which you see, and feel, and hear, and smell, taste and touch, can’t handle that pile of your frustrations in the corner, than you don’t have the right sense of awe and humility about the sun, and the stars, and the planets, and animals, and grass, and trees, and the oceans, and butterflies and children and the things that children create themselves. I understand that you may not believe in God in a religious sense, but would you ever go into a museum, and look and gaze and gasp at the most incredible painting which you have ever seen, and ask the curator, “Who imagined, and then created and painted this unbelievably beautiful work of art?” And the curator says to you, “Nobody. Nobody created it.” Would you honestly believe that curator???
Keep all of that mess and dirt in that corner, and know that if you, my little droplet, have a part to play in the clean up, you’ll be guided to do it, by your still, small, voice coming from that droplet of the Universe that resides inside of you (“this little light of mine”). Otherwise, the Painter of the Universe has got “this.” You don’t need to concern yourself with “all of the troubles of the world.” The Benevolent Oceanic Force who created the whole damn thing, is immensely more powerful than any of us little droplets could ever imagine (even the little droplets “in suits” and “in power” and “in uniforms” and “in robes” who have stayed small and lost and scared, and have forgotten the bigger picture from where they came from, and where they will return) Stay in the stream, friends. Ride the waves. Today, stay with the almighty part of you that is eternal, peaceful, intelligent, creative Love. When we all do this, the world becomes whole.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.