Read and Write.

I’ve been looking for new inspiration for my writing, which is not a particularly easy feat during these pandemic times of social distancing. I feel kind of “redundant” lately, which I suppose is bound to happen when you write a daily blog, every single day of the week, going on three years. I read this quote, this past week:

“Inspiration is everywhere and so is distraction.” – The Naked Poet

I think that if I were still in high school, I would put that quote underneath my picture.

Here’s another good one:

“Writing is free therapy. Reading is free education.” – Wise Connector

I used to answer a lot of questions on Quora, but I stopped doing that for over a year now. It was just too time consuming. Yesterday, I got a random upvote on a relatively obscure answer that I had written back in early 2019. I like what I wrote. It was probably cathartic for me to answer that particular question for myself back when I wrote it. And it was a good educational reminder to me, yesterday, of my own thoughts and philosophies, which are reflections of the true compass of my heart, which ultimately guides my life,and keeps me walking the line.

In short, friends, what this quote is saying is: read and write. Read and write. Read and write. Never stop doing these things, if you really want to understand what makes you tick. Read and write. It really can be that simple.

Finally, I woke up this morning with pink-eye. It is my only symptom of a virus. But of course, nowadays our minds always go to THE virus, am I right?! I am going to try to put those worries out of my mind and I am going to heed Buddha’s good advice:

“Most problems, if you give them enough time and space, will eventually wear themselves out.”

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.