Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!! There is something poetic about a day that almost all of our country gets at least a little bit excited about experiencing. Even if you don’t love football, there’s the food, the camaraderie, the rivalry, the half-time show and of course, my personal favorite, the commercials!! There is no other day in the year that I look forward to commercials. That’s what makes Super Bowl Sunday so special.

My regular readers know that Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Poetry is the language of our deeper depths. There is no other form of writing that marries your own personal projections, with the words that you are reading more than poetry does. In that sense, every poem that you read, is completely personal to you. Every poem is yours.

Here is my poem for today. I was inspired to write it from a picture I took yesterday when we were boating.

The dream journal states that water is the symbol of your deepest emotional depths,

And the sky is the symbol for the infinite and the sublime, the start of Heaven’s steps,

So on the days, when it is difficult to fully discern and yet, to try

To understand what scarcely separates the tranquil water from the mystifying sky,

These are the days of the calmest, sweet ecstasy, known to life on Earth.

Days when the experience leads to a profound Knowing and yet also to mirth.

These are the days of holy wholeness, when all separation disappears.

And the peaceful wisdom of the depths and the heights, clears one of all of her fears.

“Our minds create everything: the beautiful mountaintop, brilliant with snow, is yourself when you contemplate it.” 
~ Tich Nhat Han