Infinite Merry-Go-Round


I don’t have any tattoos, but this was posted on Think Smarter (Twitter) this morning and it made be giggle, so I thought that I would share the giggle with you.

Here is a small part of The Magnificent Marvelous List of the Never-Ending:

Corporate meetings.


Surfing the internet.

Trying to match black pants to a black top.

Taking the dogs out.

Lawn/plant care.

Shoveling snow.

Spending money on your kids.

Trying to lose weight.

Doing laundry.



Rush hour traffic.


The list goes on and on . . . . it’s well, never-ending. But hey, these are the constants in our lives. We can always rely on these steadfast happenings. We can always take these tasks up, right where we last left off. They are always right there, waiting for us, tempting us to try the futility of actually finishing them all up for good. There is no beginning and there is no end to these things. This list is a great way to teach kids the concept of infinity.

My meditation yesterday talked about making peace with the fact that we will never “get it all done.” It’s a truth that we understand intellectually, but we still chase the idea like it’s a real possibility. We drive ourselves crazy in the process.

Despite earnestly reading and considering my morning meditation, last night, after dinner, and after dinner clean-up, and after walking the dogs and after putting away some laundry, I wanted to sit down and to relax, but then I notice a few of my plug-ins needed new refills and then I thought I should replenish the toilet paper rolls in the bathroom cabinets and then it occurred to me that I might be out of AAA batteries, so I had to check the pantry to see if I needed to add them to my shopping list, which reminded me to go order dog food on Amazon . . . . . as I continued on and on, I realized that it was almost time for me to go to bed.

I read once that we are all going to die with our in-boxes full. I think that if I can really cement this fact into my mind, I might be able to relax a little bit more and just let Life flow. Life is the journey, the process, the experience, the adventure. It has no real beginning and it has no real end. And so many of our daily tasks mimic that truism. So, in short, let’s just chill. The dusting, the matching, the surfing, the traffic, the laundry will always be there for us, when we want to entertain the idea of conquering them all for good, again. In the meantime, in the words of The Beatles:

“I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and
I really love to watch them roll
I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and
I really love to watch them roll People say I’m lazy
dreaming my life away (My lord…)
Well they give me all kinds of advice
designed to enlighten me (My lord…)I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and
I really love to watch them roll
I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry-go-round.”

Friday, Praise God

Image result for friday quotes

Yesterday I was grumble-y. So much so, in fact, that in the middle of my ranting, raving, complaining, pissing in the wind, my daughter interrupted my sad soliloquy, with, “Mom, embrace the suck.”

I started laughing. It’s so funny when your kids throw your own words back to you. If you remember a few Favorite Things Friday, back, “Embrace the Suck” was one of my new favorite philosophies, courtesy of The Navy Seals. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

Today I am not grumble-y. I am happy, and joyful. It is a beautiful summer morning. It is Friday. Life is good. Even when you embrace the suck, it is still good!

New readers, on Fridays, I list favorites. It can be favorite websites, plants, books, clothes, miracle creams, etc. I encourage you all to add to the list. Please see previous Fridays for more favorites. It’s okay to enjoy the material side of life. We are meant to experience life fully, and tactically. That is why we have bodies and senses. There are so many delights in life to sample. It’s like a delicious buffet, a blooming bouquet, and an amazing, never-ending amusement park for us to explore, all at once.

Today’s favorites are my favorite inspirational, spiritual songs. These songs are my jam when I want to connect with our Creator in a fun, musical way. There are a lot of them, so I couldn’t narrow them down to three. But these are my very top favorites that never fail to uplift me and to remind me that we are LOVED and we are gloriously interconnected. Here goes, in no particular order:

New World Son’s “Sweet Holy Spirit”

The Beatle’s “Let It Be”

Toby Mac’s “Get Back Up”

Nicole C. Mullen “Everyday People”

Salvador’s “Heaven”

The Black Eyed Peas and Justin Timberlake’s “Where is the Love?”

Wade Imre Morrissette’s “Om Narayana”

Jeremy Camp’s “Here I am to Worship”

Aaron Shust’s “My Savior My God”

Audio Adrenaline’s “Big House”

David Newman’s “Love, Peace Chant”

Scott Underwood’s “Take My Life”

Brandon Heath’s “Give Me Your Eyes”

The Guru Singh Experience “Ong So Hung”

Now go sing your song and have a fabulous, miraculous, awe-inspiring weekend!!!