Soul Sunday

Good morning. Welcome to poetry day on the blog. Sunday is the ultimate “breathe out” day isn’t it. Breathe out, and write a poem today. You won’t regret it. Writing poetry is a great exercise in self discovery. Here is my poem for today:


If there was ever a reset button for anyone’s life,

it would probably be on a Sunday morning.

All of the plans, and actions, and inactions, forward motions,

mistakes, redos, have-tos, sideswipes, happy surprises,

less than pleasant surprises, items crossed off the to-dos,

items added to the to-dos, new things learned, old things confirmed,

aches and pains, losses and gains, dreamy nights, sleepless nights,

knowledge gleaned, wisdom earned, gratitude seeped in,

All of this. All of the bits and bobs, whirling around all week,

Sometimes ending in frenzy and collapse and exhaustion . . .

How to save all of this information?

In order to not have any losses,

Something deep within us, presses a button,

RESET. We are ready to begin again . . . .

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2045. Do you think chivalry is dead . . . and should it be?

Normal Days

Normal day, let me be aware

of the treasure you are.

Let me learn from you, love you,

bless you before you depart.

Let me not pass you by in the 

quest of some rare and

perfect tomorrow. – Mary Jean Iron

A couple of my younger girlfriends are sending their first babies to kindergarten tomorrow.   That will be an extraordinary day for all parties involved.  That will be a day that their families will never forget.

Most days don’t fall into the “extraordinary” category, though.  Most days are not particularly fabulous or extremely awful.  That is why we remember those significant days so well.  Big lessons and big blessings roll in on the rare “stand out” days.  Thankfully, most of our days fall into the category of “ordinary” or “normal.” If they didn’t, I think our nervous systems would be shot!

Sundays tend to be calm, relaxing days for me.  I have learned to treasure the “normal” days.  Drama free, schedule free, go with the flow type days are the cornerstones of our lives.  They equip us with a centering that we can lean on and hold on to, when the unusual days of high highs or low lows, take us on a surprising ride full of twists and turns and surprises.  The “normal” days are a gift that is easy to take for granted.  That’s why I appreciate the poet so much to remind me to treasure what is solid, steady and reliable in my life.  This is not just in my days, but in the dependable people I love and rely on, the stores and services and systems that I never worry won’t be available to me, and in the very air that I effortlessly breathe without thinking about it.

I am grateful for normal days.