Satisfaction Brought Her Back

I was all set to write about something else today and then I came upon this quote unexpectedly:

“Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.” – Lovelle Drachman

I’m admittedly a very curious person.  I hate getting into ruts.  This day and age is a wonderful time for us curious folk!  There is so much information to be had, just at the wink of an eye and a push of a button.  Yesterday, I got sidetracked into looking up information about the Kermode bear.  It is also known as the spirit bear.  It is a white bear, but not as white as a polar bear.  It lives in British Columbia.  I found myself curious because it has the same coloring as our dog, who is a Dudley labrador.  These gorgeous animals, Kermodes and Dudleys, have green eyes and pinkish-brown noses.

I also got sidetracked yesterday reading all about Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel comics.  Now I’m not much of a comic book fan, but my youngest son is and he was genuinely sad about Stan Lee’s passing.  I was delighted in the video footage I found of Stan and his wife of 70 years, Joan.  They were really cool people and completely devoted to each other.  From the video footage, I decided that they were both the type of people who you couldn’t help but to instantly like.

Luckily, due to my curiosity, I have met all sorts of interesting people.  I’m the kind of person who strangers tend to tell their life stories to and sometimes that annoys me, but mostly, I find it fascinating.  I have learned so much about people and about myself from being open to others’ points of view.

My curiosity has made me a wanderer.  Years ago, I took my kids on a nine state, 15 city road tour.  We ended up wandering through the horse farms near the Kentucky Derby on part of this trip.  Then my curiosity got the very best of me, and I decided to get out and actually see one of these majestic horses up close, on the farm.  No one yelled at us for trespassing and I will never forget the stallion that I gazed at.  This horse was so tall, majestic, muscular and other-worldly – one of the most beautiful animals that I have ever seen and I love animals!

I’m truly grateful to be a curious person.  I’ve tried a lot of different foods, read a lot of different books, have had a lot of interesting jobs, wandered into all of the different neighborhoods in all of the different cities that I have lived in, have had almost every kind of pet imaginable, and I have been blessed to have traveled to a lot of cool places in the world.  I find all religious and spiritual practices fascinating.  I am truly mesmerized by nature.  I am very thankful for my curiosity, and my open mind but also for my beautiful guardian angel who has kept me safe throughout my adventures.  She has worked over-time but we have had a lot of fun along the way!

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any other experience that reveals the human spirit.” – e. e. cummings

“Curiosity is the lust of the mind.” –  Thomas Hobbes