Monday – Funday

This is a rare day. Are any of you going to be able to fully witness it? According to NASA, the next total solar eclipse won’t be until August 23, 2044 and its full effect will only be able to be seen in three states in the United States. It’s a special day today!

This weekend I was reminded that the combination of our two water loving dogs, Ralphie, the Labrador retriever and Trip, the Boykin spaniel, together in our pool area, does not make for a relaxing evening. Inevitably, in order to have peace and less frenzied energy, we end up having to banish one of the boys to another part of the house. This weekend it was Trip’s turn for banishment. Josie, our rough collie, does fine herding one canine swimmer, but “having” to keep an eye on two “furmaids”, just puts her over the top.

This got me to thinking that often people and things that are wonderful individually can often make dangerous combinations. Our eldest son and our youngest son are funny and gregarious. They have us rolling with laughter all of the time. However, I have known not to sit them together at restaurants and certainly not in church pews during serious ceremonies such as funerals, since they were little boys. Funny and gregarious can become obnoxious, loud and over-the-top combustible, with the shared antics of these two young men, in seconds flat.

I looked up on the internet “some of the worst combinations”. Reddit users had some good and funny answers: “toothpaste and orange juice”, “rubbing alcohol and paper cuts”, “wasabi on your fingers and rubbing your eyes”, “milk and pickles”, “using your cell phone and driving” . . . . Some things are just better experienced on an individual basis.

Of course, some things are best experienced together. Sodium and chloride are poisonous substances until they are combined to make table salt. Two shoes is always better than one shoe. And I do love hearing all three dogs snoring in unison, in their beds, at the foot of our own bed, when we go to sleep at night. That chorus is comforting music to my ears.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2013. If you got lost in the woods, what would you do?