Ford Tough

I’m a scatterbrain this morning. We have a lot going on and a lot to do. So, honestly, I just googled “What to say when you have nothing to say.” Wow. Some suggestions were really weird and embarrassing. However, I came across a wonderful technique that would work for probably any socially awkward situation. An author and marketing specialist named Melissa Jeswald says that you should always make use of the acronym FORD (this is my week for acronym tips, huh?) when making conversation with people. People love to talk about themselves so FORD gives you the format for asking about people’s Family/Occupation/Recreation/Dreams. So if you have some socializing to do this weekend, remember to use your FORD. It won’t steer you wrong or into such taboo areas such as religion, politics, or health habits.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.