Sick Day

So for the first time in I don’t know how long, I have come down with a respiratory bug. (That’s what I get for bragging about my self-proclaimed super immunity, and my fanatically religious zinc intake) I was supposed to be getting a massage today and obviously I had to reschedule it. However, I am going to a reunion at the end of the month to see my best college friends whom I haven’t seen since before the pandemic started, so I guess that it is a good thing to get this sickness out of the way. There is a Buddhist parable that basically states for regular peace and evenness and happiness, you shouldn’t make a judgment on anything that happens. Just think to yourself, “This could be good, or it could be bad.” And then just roll with it.

When I was a kid in Pittsburgh, the sick day starter pack was exactly as shown above, except for one thing. We had Mint Ginger Ale, and it was amazing. Mint Ginger Ale is the magic elixir for most viruses and flus. Do they even make Mint Ginger Ale anymore?

Time for me to get back under the covers, friends. Sick day for me. See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.