Wellness Friday

credit: @BethFratesMD

Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! On Fridays, I discuss the stuff of life that makes it fun to live. Today’s favorite is for those of you out there, who sadly, like my husband, are down with a nasty cold. Did you know that Starbucks makes a “Medicine Ball” drink, sometimes shown on the menu as “Honey Citrus Mint Tea”? However, if you order a “medicine ball” the baristas will know what you are talking about. It’s a popular drink at Starbucks, particularly in the winter months. If you prefer not to get spendy on trendy drinks, you can make this delicious, soothing, comforting drink at home using these ingredients:

  • Jade Citrus Mint Tea
  • Peach Tranquility Tea
  • Steamed Lemonade
  • Hot Water
  • Honey

I’ve made a couple of variations at home myself, using creative substitutions of kombucha, real lemon and different flavors of tea. Stirred with love and care, you and your loved ones will be on your way to feeling better in no time!

Get well! Stay well! Be well! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1775. Who do you feel is your kindred spirit?

Pet Rock Friday

Good morning. I am still in a NyQuil haze. First I’d like to send a birthday shoutout to my aunt today. She is that “cool, stylish aunt” who everyone needs to have in their life. She bought me my first phone (rotary, pink) and took me to my first ever concert (Olivia Newton John). She’s always been incredibly supportive of my family and of my writing. I love you, AB!! Have a great day!!

I’ll cut right to the chase to my favorite for today because this damn virus allows me the energy of a sloth. Today’s favorite is the adorable Pet Rock seen above created by JellyCreativeCo on Etsy. I gave her to my youngest son who works remote, since he is already entertaining the idea of getting a dog for his new apartment that he moved into earlier this month. (I am totally to blame for this, I understand. We have three dogs, but still . . . .) Anyway, I hope that this adorable pet rock staves off the dog idea for a little while, since my son is still getting settled into his new digs, new job and new routine. The adorable pet rock comes with an adoption card and everything. Everytime my son looks at it smiling up at him, my son will remember that his mama is rooting for him. Good rock!!

Have a great weekend, friends!! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Body Language

My daughter has started a yearly tradition in our family in which she generously brings home the first virus of the school year to share with us all.  This year’s virus isn’t bad enough for any of us to stay home and in bed; it’s just a big old pain in the butt, or more specifically a pain in the throat.  It’s good that I don’t offer an audio version of my blog, although sometimes I like the sexy, husky tone my voice gets when I’m sick.  This isn’t one of those times.  Today I am just nasally, cranky and croaky.

Why is it that I get so mad at my immune system for “letting me down?”  I never think to thank my body every day for doing everything that it does for me on the daily, even when I’m less than a good steward in regards to sleep, exercise, and healthy nutrition.  Well, hell, I do take expensive vitamins. So there “body”, buck up!!   Martha Graham, the famous dancer respected her body deeply.  This is what she said:

The body is a sacred garment.  It’s your first and last garment; it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor.  

I’m a cerebral person.  I tend to live a lot “in my head.” The band Twenty One Pilots has a song with the lyrics “I’ve been thinking too much.  Help me.”  I completely relate to those lyrics.  I say that I believe in balancing “the triple threat – mind, body and spirit,”  but my actions often lead me to spend a lot more time in mind and spirit and I let “body” out there to fend for itself.  I only notice “body” when it’s not working perfectly.  “Body” tends to be neglected and taken for granted.

The body is our vehicle for being.  It is what allows our minds and spirits to really explore our world. I often marvel at Sci-fi movies when someone’s wound is instantly healed and disappears, but then I think that in reality, our bodies already really do that amazing “sci-fi” healing.  It just takes a little more time.  Bodies are incredible when you really think about it.

So, maybe if I look at this virus as a reminder to not take my body for granted, it won’t be so annoying to be sick.  Maybe this virus is just a little birdy in my ear reminding me to appreciate my health and vitality and the amazing fact that my body is already in the process of healing itself.  Maybe this virus is a reminder to me to not just listen to the “noise” of a sick body, but to listen to the subtle “nuances” of a healthy body and remain in awe, gratitude and harmony with everything that it offers to me, every moment of my life.