Nail It, Friday

Happy Friday!!! Happy Weekend!!! On Fridays, I stay on the surface, and I discuss stuff that I like. We have bodies for a reason, right? We like to enjoy the full use of our senses, correct? Life is about the experiences. And most experiences include all of the “stuff” outside of ourselves.

I found today’s favorite at my hair salon. My hairstylist is one of the most artistic people whom I have ever met. She just has it – that essence which we call “flair.” On my last appointment, she was wearing a sheer, iridescent toenail polish that looked so subtle and yet unusually eye catching, at the same time. I commented on how much I liked it, and she said that she has gotten so many compliments on it. “Would you believe that I got it at Sprouts?!” she laughed.

“Sprouts, as in the grocery store?!” I asked her.

“Yes, five bucks,” she said with a self-assured smile on her face. (when you have “flair” you can find panache at all different price points, and wear it with confidence)

She texted me the color, and I immediately ordered it from Amazon, since Sprouts is a little bit out of my way. The color looks pink in the bottle, but I promise you that it is sheer and sheen and shiny, on your nails. The brand is Mineral Fusion, and the color is Pink Fire Opal.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.