Soul Sunday

Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always.
– Rainer Maria Rilke

Good morning, soulmates. I may come across as distracted and disoriented throughout the end of the month. We have a bunch of activities and celebrations and experiences, that ideally would occur in more spread out fashion, but this year, they all are packed into these next three weeks. One day at a time.

That being said, I am even surprised about how even keel that I feel. (there’s a rhyming poem, right there) I hope that this feeling sticks. New friends, Sundays are devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. Typically on Sundays, I share a poem which I have written, or I share a poem that another writer has written, a poem that moves me deeply. Poetry is the song of your soul. It yearns to be heard. Get it out. If you are too shy to share a poem in my Comments section, please write one down in one of your Thought Museums (your journals). Poetry is writing that typically holds the most feeling. It’s nice to see your feelings in words. Notice your bodily sensations when you read a moving poem. Those are your feelings, friends. Enjoy your feelings. Don’t be afraid.

Today, I couldn’t find the right words from my own voice, so I looked up poems to describe “turning a corner”. Despite all of the action, and the emotions tied into that action, which we currently have going on in our family life, I feel strangely calm and peaceful (that’s never been my typical internal state, which sadly, more often than not, feels like a tightly wound, shaming, defensive yo-yo). Lately, I feel like I have turned some internal corner that I’ve been moving towards my entire life. I think that the destination that I am joyfully visiting right now, is called “Acceptance of All that Is.” I pray that I can sit in this locale for a while, because it feels really, really good – not ecstatic, just utterly serene. I think this poem describes it best:

Final Curve Poem by Langston Hughes

“We don’t talk enough about the chapters where you feel comfortable with the healing you’ve done, you’re no longer repeating the same lessons, you’re at peace and that’s why you’re so quiet. There’s nothing to say, there’s just a lot of calmness.” – Valencia (Twitter)

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.