
Happiness is not the same as pleasure. Pleasure is an immediate experience, very transient in nature, that’s enjoyable, and if we experience a great deal of it – there’s a sense of satiation.” –Frederick Lenz

After a delicious, lingering, multi-course meal last night, and an enjoyable cool and crisp walk to our car, feeling the first hints of autumn breaking the ridiculous summer heat that we’ve experienced for what feels like an eternity, and then falling into a deep, dreamy sleep with the understanding that we got a guilt-free bonus hour of pure rest last night, the only thing that I could think of this morning was the word “satiation”. So, I looked up quotes on being satiated.


May you feel satiated this morning, my dear friends and readers. May you feel satiated with everything that brings you pleasure. Good books to read; good shows to watch; good, warm fur to pet; good slippers to comfort your feet; good family and friends to laugh with; good, hot coffee to warm your inners; good, crusty pastries to pleasure your tongue; good, warm sunshine to bask in; good, interesting sights to see; good, soothing, long, baths with good, clean, sweet smelling soap; good music in your eager, discerning ears, good news in your inbox. May you feel completely, utterly satiated with the goodness of Life. And may you bask in that satiation.