Safe or Alive

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“Be the same person privately, publically, and personally.” – Wise Words (Twitter)

From an interview with Ryan Seacrest, Selena Gomez discusses her new album which was written at a time when she was processing a painful break-up and health issues in her personal life:

It’s all very real to me and I’m sure it’s just entertainment for other people; but I think I had become numb to it and it would be stupid of me if I didn’t acknowledge what I had felt because it would be inauthentic and that’s everything I claim to be and do. … I know there are thousands of people … who have felt this feeling and it’s extremely real, and on top of the social media and everything, it doesn’t matter if you’re in my position or someone else’s because you’re always going to somehow find this negative space and that’s why I have to be careful and I just have to take steps back and just focus on what I’m doing and nobody else.”

In art, in entertainment, in books, and in life, people respond most to those who can bravely bare their souls. We all resonate with those who are most authentic, most present, and yet sadly, it is such a fearsome thing to do – to put our own raw, real, vulnerable selves out there. It’s one of life’s greatest ironies, I think.

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