
Quotidian – ordinary, every day, common, conventional, unexceptional, commonplace, mainstream, nondescript, characterless, colorless, pedestrian, uninspiring, garden variety.

Due to the coronavirus (and my chosen response to the coronavirus), my every day life, perhaps, could be described as quotidian. I have tried to spice things up by bringing a third dog into the raucous mix. I have invited drama into our lives by allowing our sons to go back to college. I’ve conjured up old, barnacled ghosts, by bringing the thrills and perils of boating back into my life. I have read many new books, and I have spent much time walking and thinking and ruminating on life’s mysteries. Still, I am honestly at a point of restlessness in the ho-hum doldrums and tedious mundanity, of my every day life. Thus, I have created a road trip for myself, to a destination unknown to me, and to my family. I always get jittery and excited before trips, and I am fortunate enough to have explored some truly fabulous places in this world, but the level of excitement that I feel right now is unexplainable. You know that you need a change of scenery, when the idea of another day in your own company, makes you want to throw up, and to make excuses to not meet up at the mirror. In the words of “The Boss”, Bruce Springsteen, “I’m just tired and bored with myself.” I need a revived version of myself to keep me interested. Trips have a way of waking up my creativity, and of reminding me about the dusty corners of myself that I had long forgotten existed. Of course, the trip planned is to a remote place of limited habitation (thanks again to the coronavirus), but still, places of limited habitation are typically full of rare and beautiful and wild species rarely seen in quotidian life. I plan to fully immerse in the delightful, untamed energy of it all and to report back to you daily, hopefully in a more lively, un-quotidian style.

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