Favorite Things Friday the 2nd

Happy Friday!!!!  Why are Fridays so great?  I think it’s all about the anticipation.  Even if you don’t have weekend plans, it’s the deliciousness of not having plans, to be free to your whims is what makes weekends so much fun.  For years and years and years our weekends were taken up by travel soccer, softball, basketball tournaments, robotics events, etc. etc. etc.  My husband and I were often two ships passing each other on our ways to opposite ends of our city or our state, depending on the events.  When we first started having free weekends, we were a little shell-shocked.  It was hard to be without a schedule.  Now, we embrace our freedom to explore and to adventure together.  Life is magic!

On to favorite things:

Aityvert Solar Torch Lights – Oh my!  This is my latest set of favorite things in the world. They make me excited for darkness!  Last weekend my husband and I took a walk around a neighborhood we don’t typically walk around. (On an aside, I have read that walking in areas that are new to you is not just great for you physically, but is also wonderful for your mental health.  It helps you see things/issues/problems in new perspectives.  Try it!)  Anyway, we saw these wonderful sidewalk lights decorating this beautiful, old Victorian home.  I thought they must be gas powered because they look exactly like real fire.  But they are not!  They are solar powered.  They don’t even require batteries!  My son didn’t know that we bought them and he almost ran out to our backyard with a hose because he thought someone had kept a summer campfire going.  These are just awesome. 🙂

Grey Free by Guiliano – These “mascara wand style” grey hairs coverage are my go-to helpers in between my salon appointments.  Gone are the days for me, when my beauty routine was “quick and easy”.  Everything is a chore and a drawn out process.  My salon appointments take at least half a day, so I spread them out as long as I possibly can.  I’ve tried crayons and shampoo-in type grey coverage, but I always come back to these babies.  My greys tend to be in clumps in different sections of my hair, so this mascara wand style really works for me and the color stays put until it is washed out.  They are inexpensive and come in many different shades.  The only downside is that they don’t seem to have a long shelf life.  They get an “off smell” if they are kept too long.

No. 7 Airbrush Away Pore Minimizing Primer – I found out about this wonderful product through one of those magazine articles that takes reader polls about “the best of the best” in beauty products.   I find beauty product selections so overwhelming these days that I prefer to go with recommendations from friends and trusted sources.  This primer is absolutely perfect when you need to “save face” – meaning that you don’t want to look like the Joker by the end of a hot and humid summer day.  If you want your make-up to have staying power, than start with this product and you’ll be good to go for the whole day!  The best part is that you can buy it in places like Target and Walgreens.

Three’s the magic number.  Thank you for reading my blog!  Have a fantastic weekend!