Soul Sunday

Good morning. One thing that I loved about Italy, is that everyone greeted each other, all day long. It would have been utterly rude if you didn’t say, “Buongiorno” to anyone and everyone whom you came across, throughout your day. So, Buongiorno!! “Grazie” (thank you) and “Prego” (your welcome) were also so liberally used by everyone, that I am having a hard time not saying them constantly, even here at home. The Italians have such a friendly, warm, inviting culture.

I hope that this beautiful Sunday finds you well. I feel so lucky to have this blog to come home to, and to look forward to writing every morning. It was good for me that I took a break from writing my blog, only because it made me truly appreciate just how much writing the blog means to me. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Here is my poem that I wrote for today. (I hope that you will write one, too. Soul Sunday is supposed to inspire the poets in all of us.)

“The Antiquities”

She was exhausted from the endless beauty . . .

One marble statue equally as exquisite as the next . . .

Their individual magnificence was lost to the mass of them . . .

Airly, she remarked:

“Perhaps, they should have made less of them,

In order for their individual perfection to be truly appreciated.”

“My dear!” he laughed. “Did you think that they made them for you?

Is it your belief that they made these statues for eager tourists,

and greedy museum goers, hundreds of years into the future?

Let me ask you this: ‘How many pictures do you have on your phone?’

Your photographs hold your memories for you,

And your memories are primarily for you.

These statues, my love, were their pictures, their memories and their experiences.

These statues were primarily for their own selves,

And yet they were kind enough to leave them behind.

You, my dear, are a voyeur borrowing their own fond, many memories, left in stone.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.