Mysterious Friday

“Their hotel-worker guide explains to them that it’s called a Testa di Moro. He explains, ‘The story is a Moor came here a long time ago and seduced a local girl. But then she found out that he had a wife and children back home. So because he lied to her, she cut his head off.’

Rocco doesn’t tell them the rest of the legend, or the other interpretations of the Testa di Moro’s origins. According to Visit Sicily, after the girl removed the man’s head, she used it as a vase to grow basil. The scent attracted her neighbors, who loved the vase and had copies of it commissioned.

But Visit Sicily also gives another backstory for the statues. In a different version of the legend, the girl and the Moor fell in love. When her parents found out, they beheaded both of them and hung their heads as a warning. That’s why the heads are usually shown in pairs, though “White Lotus” mostly shows the man’s head alone, referencing the other version of the story.” – Pop Sugar, describing the meaning behind a statue of a man’s head in an episode of The White Lotus, Season 2

Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! I don’t mean to make this a macabre Friday post, but I got absolutely entranced with this interesting pottery after watching The White Lotus, Season 2 this fall. My regular readers know that Fridays on the blog are devoted to my favorite things. I get out of my head and I fully engage with my consumer side on Fridays. Things that I love to consume are just a product of other people’s incredible creativity. Think about it. Everything that you use in your life arrived first from someone’s creativity and imagination before it landed on your back, in your house, in your mouth, sparked your interest, or touched your heart. This is how we are all connected.

Back to today’s favorite: I love pottery. I love keeping my plants in interesting containers. I often love the containers almost as much as I love my plants. Italian pottery is wonderful. So, I started on a quest to find a Testa di Moro of my own. However, reality is, the last thing that I need to take care of, is more plants. Ask my gardener. (also known as my husband) So instead, I found a website that sells wonderful Testa di Moros that I can wear. (which if I am being painfully truthful with myself, I even need more jewelry, less than I need more plants). But c’est la vie, it’s Friday and I LOVE plants and jewelry!

This Etsy website called EtnaBijoux, based in Sicily, Italy, has the most divine Testa di Moro earrings. I purchased two pairs and I adore them. They arrived surprisingly fast from Italy and they are even prettier than their pictures. I can feel the maker’s passion for them, by looking at their intricate quality. Go here for a little piece of Sicily to wear whenever you want to feel exotic and divine and you want to keep life interesting and mysterious:

Salute!!! The weekend is almost here!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.