Fabulous Tidbits

Fortune for today: “Wisdom begins with wonder.” – Socrates

I have filled this week with chores and appointments. It feels good to be getting things completed and checked off of the list, yet I feel scattered at the same time. There are way too many things, ideas, lists whizzing around in my brain. So today, I am just going to drop a couple of random thoughts and trivial knowledge that could be useful down the line, for any of us.

A group of butterflies is officially called a kaleidoscope. I think that fact is just fabulous!

On the way to tennis yesterday, my daughter asked me what is the difference between dots and polka dots. I had no idea, so of course, I insisted that she look it up, right then and there, and school me all about dots. (You would think that my kids would learn by now, that I do not care to leave questions unanswered.) So with eyes rolling, and thumbs Googling, she found the answer and then explained the difference to me. It turns out that “polka dots” is considered a pattern, whereas a “dot” is just one circle in the pattern. “Polka dots” became a named pattern during the time that polka dancing became popular in Europe, because both the dance and the pattern seemed to suggest “fun, light and cheerful.” In Spanish, they call dots “lunares” which means little moons. I think that polka dots/lunares are just fabulous!


My mentee who is a high-schooler mistakenly calls herself “shy.” I always insist to her that she is not “shy”, she is “reserved” and there is a big difference. My middle son is very much the same way and I always had to correct his teachers on that fact, particularly when he was younger. Both my mentee and my son are fabulous, interesting, engaging conversationalists. They just don’t always have a need for center stage. I admire them for that fact. Think Smarter (Twitter) hit the nail on the head, once again. And of course, you all know by now, that I think that Think Smarter on Twitter is just plain fabulous!

Have a fabulous Friday-Eve, my friends. 🙂