Soul Sunday

Good morning. Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Poetry is a mixture of what is said and what is unsaid. Poetry can be riddle-like. Like an interesting piece of artwork, poetry requires you to bring a lot of “you” to the interpretation of what you are reading and experiencing. I witnessed a poetic moment on television this week, that has been playing on rewind in the back of my mind a lot. The dictionary says that for an experience to be poetic it has to have this quality:

“having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression.”

The poetic moment I noticed was on the latest episode of Yellowstone. It was an exchange between an environmental activist, Summer, and a young cowboy, Carter. This is the scene. I consider this to be “the poem” of the day on the blog.

She (Summer) asks about the fire in the distance.

“Is anybody going to put it out?”

“They can try. Only thing that can put it out is God,” Carter replies.

“God puts out the fire?”

“God brings rain. God puts out the fire.”

Nature puts out the fire, kid,” Summer laughs.

“That’s what I said,” Carter offers sincerely.

*** (synopsis by

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.