Full Hearts

“I’ve always had a theory that some of us are born with nerve endings longer than our bodies.” – Joy Harjo

I’m a sensitive, spongy person. I wish that I weren’t. I try to put on a persona that I’m not sensitive. Sometimes that works, but then my weak tear dams tell a different story. I once asked a wise woman if it is a bad thing that I’m sensitive. She said, “No, it’s not bad or good. Sensitive is just what you are. Sometimes being a more sensitive person can make life a little bit harder, but it can also make life more intensely beautiful, and rewarding too.” Ah, the two sides of a coin thing . . .

“We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.” – Alan Watts

Happy Monday, to all of my fellow empath friends. I appreciate your beautiful, full hearts!! I think that God gave us the gift of these delicate, yet rugged, perceptive hearts, because God knew that we could handle, enjoy and convey, the pure beautiful intensity of Life. Mondays can be rough, reflective days for us. But they also can be joyously, miraculous days, too.

“Sometimes I think,
I need a spare heart to feel 
all the things I feel.”  – Sanober Khan