Collector of Experiences

“Shlemiel!  Schlimazel!  Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!” – Laverne and Shirley

A few weeks ago, my husband and I started chanting this theme song in unison to our eldest son who had a business trip in Milwaukee.  He seemed puzzled and probably figured that his parents had finally lost it all of the way.  RIP – Penny Marshall.  I’m sad that my kids didn’t enjoy the magic of “Laverne and Shirley.”  So good!

Yesterday, my middle son and three of his friends got up in the wee hours of the morning to check out the Space X launch.  Unfortunately, all four launches ended up being postponed.  They decided not to risk it again today, but it sounds like they had a fun “road trip with the boys.”  Recently, my middle son told me that he has become a “collector of experiences.” I like that.  I think that experience is probably the best thing that you can collect in life.  You get some pretty special by-products by collecting experiences, such as learning and wisdom, empathy and a bigger view of Life.

“Our headspace dictates our perspective . . . our perspective dictates our experience . . . our experience is nothing short of life itself.” – as seen on Twitter