The Childish Stage

The first half of life is learning to be an adult-the second half is  learning

When I was away last week, I didn’t look at the news. I didn’t scroll through Twitter. I eased into my mornings. I savored delicious food and I reveled in long, meandering conversations. I didn’t look at my phone immediately and at all times. (This is partly because I recently read an article which was an interview with Good Morning America anchor, Robin Roberts. Robin said that someone recently told her that if you look at your phone first thing in the morning, that’s like inviting 100 screaming people into your bedroom. That resonated with me. I like my bedroom to be my quiet, peaceful place.)

Being childlike isn’t just about being silly and playful and goofy and blunt. Being childlike is mostly about paying attention to the immediate. Being childlike is following your whims and what is capturing your fascination, mostly because it is just so interesting and captivating to do so. Being childlike is being enthralled with the process of being alive.

I think the second-half of adulthood is when you really hone in on what actually matters to you. You wake up to the realization that you are on the downward slope of the mountainside of your own life. And the climb that you trudged on the upward slope of your early adulthood is sort of a blur. You don’t remember a lot of the upward climb. You were so busy running up the track and following the signs that were dictated as directions for you, and for everyone else, to follow and to follow quickly, as if on a race. On this downward trek, in your second half of adulting, you aren’t convinced that you need all of the baggage that you climbed up with, and collected along the way. A lot of this baggage isn’t even your own. So on the downward slope, you drop a lot of stuff that you realize isn’t necessary for you to carry, and you take frequent stops along the way to just notice and take in everything. Everything. You meander off of the beaten path more, because life can be really interesting off of the beaten path. And you make no apologies for it. You become like a child again and you remember what those first wondrous steps and breaths of life really must of felt like, and you realize how amazing and wonderful and awe-striking this second half of adulting will be. Learning to be a child is wonderful.

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” – Luke 18:17

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.