Face Melting Friday

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Hello, my little crabcakes!! (there is a long story behind that one, but that’s for another blog some day. Just roll with it. 😉 ) Today is Friday and Fridays are the bomb. On Fridays here at Adulting – Second Half, we call it Favorite Things Friday. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, websites, brands, etc. and I strongly encourage my little crabcakes to indulge us, with some of your favorites, in my Comments section. Thanks in advance and please check out previous Friday listings for more of my favorites! Without further ado, here are today’s favorites:

OPI Show Us Your Tips nail polish – This polish is what I imagine a mermaid’s tail color might look like. It is a beautiful, light, silvery violet color with an unusual glimmer to it. My nail technician once said that nail polish with glitter or sheen typically lasts the longest. It doesn’t show chips and cracks like solid polish shows on the toes. Considering, I’m mostly doing my own nails these days, this has become my new summer regular go-to color. It’s hard to screw up homegrown mani/pedis, with this versatile color.

Swirling Koi and Pebbles Rock image 0

CallThatArt – This is my new favorite Etsy store. I recently purchased one of Jan Smart’s (the proprietor of CallThatArt) painted rocks at a local pond store and I loved it so much that I looked her up on Etsy and I purchased some more. I have seen a lot of painted rocks in my life (I have even attempted to paint a few myself), but I don’t think that I have ever seen painted rocks as pretty as Jan’s works of art. Her paintings literally come to life. These are the types of little whimsical, knick-knacky things which bring a lot of joy to my life. If you are of the same ilk, check this Etsy store out for yourself and get yourself a lucky stone.

Disney’s Creative Innovations – Disney World is slated to open up this weekend. I do not want to use this forum to debate whether this is a wise idea or not. I am just relaying the facts. I did read that all of Disney employees and visitors will be required to wear face masks. What I love about Disney though, is that they always seem to have a creative, happy solution for everything. When they open, the Disney employees will be walking around with wooden sticks supporting either Mickey’s smile, or Donald’s smile or Goofy’s smile, to cover the employees’ masks, thus making themselves a little less scary and a little more magical for the children visiting the parks.

“Laughter is America’s most important export.” – Walt Disney

Let’s try to laugh a lot this weekend, friends! A smile is the easiest gift to give and to spread, even if it’s a cardboard smile held up by a wooden stick. Have a very happy Friday!!!!