Wowza Question

A life-changing thought exercise: If you were the main character of a TV show, what would you be rooting – screaming at the screen – for them to do next?” (@alicellemee, X)

Oooof. I came across this quote yesterday on X. What an interesting question! Emotional distance really makes it easier to be clear on next steps, doesn’t it? The other day I was perplexed by a decision I had to make, and one of my dear friends helped me through it, by asking a lot of questions related to the situation. They were really good questions to ponder and these questions helped to see more options and consequences than my reactive state was allowing me to see. She didn’t advise me nor shame me, she just helped me to see things through different lenses.

The question above allows for emotional distance. It’s so much easier to tell other people and to yell at characters on TV about what their next moves should be. I think that if I were watching myself on TV (Firstly, I would likely be a little bored. I ain’t no Daenerys Targaryen, by a longshot) I probably would not be sure what she should do next, but I might be screaming, “Do something!! Please! Let’s make it a little more interesting, shall we?!” Maybe that’s the answer, in order to make life a little more tantalizing, try something new, every single day. And if that “something new” becomes a passion, roll with it. Hard.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”– Nelson Mandela 

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1193. Are you a hat person?