Frisky Friday

Yay! It’s Friday!!! It’s the best day of the week. How are you feeling? Things are a lot cooler here lately. It makes everyone “frisky”. So today, we’ll just call it Frisky Friday. Speaking of frisky, before I started writing, I had to pick up our three dogs’ matching nap pads, which they sleep on every night. (Honestly, Josie, the rough collie, doesn’t actually sleep on hers. She has a lot of fur, so she prefers the cool tile, but she likes to have her own pad placed near to her. With kids and pets especially, it’s important to be fair.) I don’t leave the nap pads out all day. In order to prevent squabbles, I only put the pads out at night. The dogs don’t sleep in our bed, because two of them are over 75 pounds, and the other one is a crazy, restless, full-of-himself spaniel, who likes to spread himself way out, in the craziest of contortions. Need I say more? The dogs used to disperse out all over the house at bedtime, when the kids lived at home, but now they all sleep in our bedroom with us. Our nighttime ritual is to layout the nap pads every night, and that is each of our dog’s “place” until it is time to get up in the morning. Recently, this ritual reminded me of the times when I was a little girl and I was in “nursery school.” (that’s what they called preschool in those days) They would hand out nap pads, and we would put our pads in a circle, in order to then take a nap. That was my absolute least favorite time in school. I’ve never been a good napper. Once I’m up, I’m up. I remember feeling quite indignant about “nap time.” “I am a “big girl” now. I don’t need a nap.” I also remember getting in trouble, more than a few times, for my restlessness during “nap time.”

Okay sorry for the digression, it’s Friday! Let’s get to the point. On Fridays I like to talk about my favorites. On Fridays, I write about the things, the places, the websites, the songs, the whatevers that have caught my eye and have made my own life more fun and interesting. Please share your own favorites in my Comments section so our Friday can be even more frisky!

Today’s favorite:

I read about the XCJ Chinese Street Food’s Soup Dumpling kit, in a magazine lately. Cooking for just the two of us, has become a new and interesting challenge for me. I ordered one of the larger kits that contains dumplings, sauces, plus a bamboo steamer from this cool company. We tried it out this past weekend, and my husband and I were thrilled with the meal! The dumplings were fun and easy to cook (on the bamboo steamer) and even more fun (and fabulously delicious) to eat! Here is their website:

Dumplings and More (Nationwide)

Have a frisky, fun, fabulous weekend! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


“How much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it; if you could really look at others with common curiosity and pleasure. You would break out of this tiny and tawdry theatre in which your own little plot is always being played, and you would find yourself under a freer sky, in a street full of splendid strangers.”
― G. K. Chesterton

Today, we all find ourselves in an entirely different play/theater than we ever expected, don’t we? And no one is spared from the alarming plot twists, not even Prince Charles. As I mentioned yesterday, I have started into a quiet phase, in my own little lifetime’s drama. I guess that I’m in an interlude. I find myself soaking in all sorts of information, from all different sources and none of it is making any real sense to me yet. And that’s okay. Perhaps the biggest lesson to come out of all this will be patience.

Yesterday I took a long nap. This is the longest nap that I think that I have taken in probably, a decade. I don’t typically like to nap. I guess I hoped that by taking this long, daytime nap, I would either have a lucid dream that explained everything to me in a way that made perfect sense, and put me at ease with all of this, or better yet, I would wake up to find that this whole coronavirus thing was just a really bad nightmare that I could wake up from. Neither of those outcomes occurred for me, but I did feel well-rested, and yet still restless. I am very restless.

How are you all coping? I still see readers in my stats, but there haven’t been many comments, lately. Are you in introspective interludes, as well? Have any “truths” arisen to the surface from your wise internal “knowing”, your “Being”, since all of this began? As I said, I’m absorbing all of the information, perspectives, and reactions to this situation that I feel like I can soak in, on any one day, from all different sources. You, my trusted readers, friends and confidantes, are whose viewpoints, I would most like to take in. If you are feeling the inclination and the energy, at least let me know that you are okay.

Love. Peace. Hope. Stay well.

Fortune for the Day – “Be open to the wonderful; the bizarre; the possible; the unknown.”