Visions of Friday

Happy Friday!!!!! First Favorite Things Friday of 2019!!

“Make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous.” – Mad Kitty Media

“Dear Monday, go step on a lego . . . it’s Friday!” –

Hi Readers!! Today I am taking the Bird Box challenge and writing my blog, blindfolded, so please excuse any typos. Ha! I’m not taking the Bird Box challenge. Netflix told me not to do it. Seriously, though, like most of America, we watched Bird Box over the holidays and it was really good. It is definitely worth a watch, especially if you feel the need to keep your muscles at their maximum tightness, for two hours straight.

New readers, on Fridays, I keep it all “on the surface.” I list around three favorite things, songs, brands, twitter feeds, etc. that I really enjoy and I encourage you to add any of your own favorites to my Comments section.

I’m going to go out on a limb today and talk about one of my favorite interests and hobbies, and that is following Astrology. (enter the groans of my very practical, science-minded sons) I realize that my more analytical, left-brained readers are now worried about my mental faculties and my more religious readers are now praying for my soul. (I have to say, I was amazed at how many astrological symbols I saw in various churches that I have toured in Europe – truly) That being said, I find reading about astrology fun and interesting and mysterious and fascinating. I’m a total amateur. If you really study it, astrology is pretty complex. I’m not sure if the position of the stars really have much to do with our personalities or what is going on in our lives, but it’s fun to read about and good to have something to blame things on, when life goes haywire. (damn, Mercury’s retrograde, that’s why my computer is on the fritz LOL) At the very least, when I read my very skeptical husband his horoscopes every morning, we both can agree that most astrologers offer good, solid, wise advice such as thinking before you speak or being careful with your money. All in fun!

I can’t just limit my favorite astrologers to just three. When I really like something, I like A LOT of it. So here are sites to check out and see what are a good fit for your fancy:

MOST ACCURATE – I did a test where I wouldn’t look at my horoscopes and I would just experience my day and then I would look back to see which ones described the day I just had, best. I found and Broadly horoscopes to be the most “spot on” and I rarely miss reading them on a daily basis.

MOST THOUGHT PROVOKING – I love Holiday Mathis horoscopes because she just makes me think and ponder. She does a great question and answer session at the bottom of her daily horoscopes, too and the analysis is fascinating. I also love to read Daniel Whelland Dowd because he just seems like a fascinating, down-to-earth guy from Buffalo with high sights for the future of us all. (honorable mention in this category – British astrologer, Oscar Cainer. His horoscopes read like riddles or metaphors.)

MOST HIP – The Astrotwins are really cool. Their write-ups have kept me socially hip and aware for years. They are thorough and have a NYC vibe to them. They write horoscopes for Elle and other publications, so they are probably among the most well-known astrologers in social scenes. I have to put the Astro Poets on Twitter, in this category as well. The memes that they make about the various signs, are hilarious!

MOST THOROUGH – Susan Miller is one of the most well-known, longest published astrologers in our day and age. Her monthly horoscopes are pages long and thoughtfully prepared. I don’t ever miss her monthly and I even make little notes on my calendar regarding her advice. (honorable mention in this category – Crystal B. Astrology)

BEST WEEKLY HOROSCOPES – Every Wednesday, these four astrologers post their weekly horoscopes and I don’t miss them. Rob Brezny (this is another guy who is well-read and makes you think- a very positive person), Lovelanyadoo (I love the way Jessica Lanyadoo writes. She seems so confident and loving), Kristin Fontana (very spiritual, thoughtful and thorough) and the Mountain Times horoscopes by Cal Garrison (a.k.a. Mother of the Skye) (this woman holds nothing back, a “say it like it is” kind of a person)

Btw, I’m a Sagittarius. What’s your sign, baby?

“Maybe if we all sit extremely still, Monday won’t be able to see us.” –

Have a great weekend, friends!! I think that a good weekend is in the stars for all of us!!!