Drink the Tea Friday

Welcome to the most fabulous day of the week!! How has summer been treating you? In Florida, summer is our rainy season. Rarely, does it rain all day in Florida, but during the summer it is common for us to get a rain shower here or there, almost every single day of the week. So today, on a day when I keep my thoughts light and easy and breezy, and I offer up one of my favorite things for us all to enjoy (It’s Favorite Things Friday on the blog. Check out previous Friday posts for more favorites.), I decided to tell you about two favorites of mine that kind of go together, and help to keep things cozy, during a little rainy spell.

Herbal Cup Turmeric, Cinnamon, Moringa Tea – I originally bought this tea because I read somewhere that turmeric and cinnamon and moringa are good for you. I forget exactly how any of these ingredients are particularly good for various parts of your body, but that’s okay. This tea is so soothing, and tasty and comforting and it does not have any caffeine. I now only drink this tea for its excellent taste and the soothing aroma. If this tea also has a lot of healthy side effects, that’s just a bonus, in my book.

Devotions by Mary Oliver – This book of poetry is sublime. I don’t have many books of poetry. Poetry is not my “first language” when it comes to literature, but I have read enough of Mary Oliver’s excellent poems to decide that I should finally download one of her books. Mary Oliver’s poetry is mostly about nature and it so accessible and relatable and yet profoundly astute. Her poems are short, simple and yet flowing with emotion and awe. If you want an easy way to fall in love with poetry, this book is for you.

Summary: If you would like to up your mind/spirit quotient on some rainy day in the near future, drink the tea. Read the poems. Feel the peace. Breathe.

Have a great weekend, friends! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.