Luck With a Capital F

Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Happy August!

I bought tickets for my husband and I to see an upcoming Elvis Costello concert. Much like the response that I got a couple of years ago from a young coworker when I mentioned that I was going to Hall & Oates that weekend – “Oh, cool! Is that an island?”, my youngest two kids (the brown haired ones) were initially confused (two famous Elvis’, how can that be?), then bemused, and finally, convinced that their father would not be excited about my impulsive plans.

Ha! I explained to my children that my husband (their father) always sprinkled a couple of Elvis Costello songs on to mixed tapes that he made for me, when we were dating in college. I then went on to remind them what mixed tapes were, and I laughed as I thought about the “fun” we had when the tapes accidentally turned into unwound, knotted up messes.

Anyway, I firmly believe that my husband is even more excited for the concert than I am. I think Elvis Costello appeals to my conservative husband’s secret side – the rebellious poet. Here are some interesting thoughts/quotes from the sometimes controversial, but decidedly talented Mr. Costello:

“I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.”

“I wish you luck with a capital F.”

“Who put these fingerprints on my imagination?”

“There are some things you can’t cover up with lipstick and powder.”