Weed Picker

This must be a very musically inclined day for birthdays. Apparently Don Henley and Selena Gomez share today, as a birthday. What a wonderful day!

My husband and I both have farming in our heritage and in our roots. My husband’s farming inclination comes out, mainly in how lovingly and earnestly he cares for our plants, even all of the ones that I buy on impulse because they are just “so pretty,” or “so cool” or “so weird.” (Ask me about my love affair with my Corpse Flower plant, sometime.) The other day my husband told me that he had planted pepper seeds, and he asked me to please be careful when weeding the back bed, as the peppers were planted back there. My husband had planted the pepper seeds in the way, way back bed, at the very end of our property, in our back yard. I looked at him and I started giggling.

“Are you seriously worried about me weeding?” I asked incredulously.

“Well, every once in a while, I look outside and then I look twice and I rub my eyes, and I go, oh wow, is she actually picking weeds?!” my husband replied.

It’s true. On very, very rare occasions, I feel the inclination to find some instant gratification and while taking the dogs outside, I might pick weeds for maybe seven minutes, tops. So in theory, my husband was right, while the odds aren’t great, it could happen. The warning was well thought out. The problem is though, when I weed, it is never a well-thought out endeavor. Weeding, for me, is more of an impulsive way to deal with my jitteriness or boredom or anxiety, when taking the dogs out. Weeding is never something that I actually plan to do, or even think about doing, while I am doing it. It kind of just happens, like poking at a scab or picking at a blemish. (Despite living with the coronavirus threat for several months now, I still touch my face WAY TOO MUCH.) Even when it is a subconscious impulse, me actually doing some weeding, is such a rare occurrence that I fully expect and plan on us, having some fresh, lovely, organic peppers for our salads, very soon. I do love my husband’s faith in my better inclinations, however. In these times of so much togetherness mixed with a great deal of unknowns and stress, it really is good to focus on the bright sides of our chosen partners in life. (even focusing on the bright sides that remain relatively dim, most of the time)

The Best Marriage Quotes of All Time

Balancing Act

“Anxiety, heartbreak, and tenderness mark the in-between state. It’s the kind of place we usually want to avoid. The challenge is to stay in the middle rather than buy into struggle and complaint. The challenge is to let it soften us rather than make us more rigid and afraid. Becoming intimate with the queasy feeling of being in the middle of nowhere only makes our hearts more tender. When we are brave enough to stay in the middle, compassion arises spontaneously. By not knowing, not hoping to know, and not acting like we know what’s happening, we begin to access our inner strength.”
– Pema Chodron

The above quote arrived in my in-box this morning. It is the Daily Peace Quote. Yesterday, when thinking about things which I wanted to write about in my blog, I jotted these three words down: stabilizing, equilibrium, balance. The Daily Peace Quote goes along with those three words quite nicely. Something/Someone is trying to get the message across, I think.

This is some of the definition of equilbrium – a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect. mental or emotional balance; equanimity.

We all know what it takes to get to our own mental and emotional and physical equilibrium. It’s not rocket science. Sleep, good nutrition, removing toxic people, places and things and habits from our daily lives, exercise, nature, breath work, spending time with people and pets and activities that bring us joy, prayer, meditation, gratitude, are all things that help to bring us back to our beautiful heart centers. Where are you out of balance right now, in your own life? What can you do to bring that area of your own life, back to center? We are right in the middle of what has turned out to be an unprecedented and difficult year. This is the perfect time to look at our own personal scale of equilibrium, and see if it is tipped too far, in any one direction. Then we can carefully and purposefully, place our intentions and actions, on the opposite side of the scale, to get our beings back into a peaceful, centered space.

Euripides quote: The best and safest thing is to keep a balance...
Quotes about Balance and moderation (25 quotes)


Today is my youngest son’s birthday. He is still away at college. He doesn’t have any final exams today, but he does have two tomorrow, so he’ll spend his day studying. We laughed together this morning, when we talked about that fact. Adult birthdays aren’t quite as magical as when you are little kid. Real life still has to happen, with a cake break, if you are lucky.

It is strange not having him home for his birthday. I have been through this now, with both of his older brothers, but it still feels strange. Is there anything more intimate between a mother and her child, than her child’s birthday? On the day of a child’s birth, the child gets the blessing of life on Earth breathed into them, and also, at that very moment, the mother has already begun the gradual, painful, yet affirming process of releasing her child and letting go.

I asked my son, “How do you feel about it being the last year of your teens?”

He answered, “How do you feel about it?”

My real unsaid response was this – Oh, honey, you don’t want me to unleash the storm of feelings that I feel on every single one of your and your sibling’s birthdays. The torrent of pride and love and bewilderment and fear and memories and giggles and gratefulness and giddiness and pain and hope and guilt and amusement and joy and awe would probably be too much for both of us to handle . . . . but maybe not. Maybe that torrent of emotion is what we both felt, on the crescendo of that beautiful winter day, nineteen years ago. And I think that we have both turned out pretty good, so far. We weather well. I know that I love our relationship. I know that I love you from the deepest wells of my heart. The relationships that I have with you and your siblings and your father, is what my makes my life sing its very song. Thank you for the gift of my sacred song.

Instead I answered, “I feel great! I’m proud of you. I love you. Have a wonderful day!” And then we hung up, and I let go, just a little more.

What Still Stands

My heart is breaking for the people of Paris, the French people, and all of us, really. How incredibly sad about the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral! My husband and I were fortunate enough to tour the beautiful, awe-inspiring church not long ago, in the spring of 2018. It was absolutely amazing and breath-taking. Notre Dame Cathedral was one of those incredible architectural masterpieces that makes you so amazed and impressed by what we humans are able to create and to manifest, into this material world. What is even more amazing is that the church was created and brought into fruition over 800 years ago, long before the ages of modern technology and machinery. As painful of a loss, as this is, I have no doubts that the people of France will resurrect Notre Dame to its previous beauty and standing, and soon. Losses like this remind us that nothing is permanent in the material world. Everything is fleeting and yet the energy, the creativity, the vision, the teamwork and most importantly, the nurturance and love that makes it possible for monuments of this beauty and magnitude to even be conjured and built, is what remains forever in the hearts and in the imaginations of our human race. These internal drives, propelling us to express ourselves outwardly in the forms of astonishingly amazing material creations, is the part of life that is truly permanent and monumental and these drives will always exist until we humans cease to exist any longer.

“Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen.” – ComfortingQuotes.com