National Songs

If we couldn’t laughwe would all go insane” – Jimmy Buffett

RIP – Jimmy

What a legend! What a way to show the world that a man can live a fabulous life completely and fully on his own terms. It is rare to have someone famous and recognizable and universally likable enough, that when they pass, almost everyone in the country takes a pause and notes the sad loss. Usually when one of the icons of my husband’s and my growing up years, dies, my kids say, “Who?!” This morning two of my sons have already texted about the loss (9:30 on a Saturday morning during a holiday weekend, and our sons are in their twenties – that says something).

When we have been socializing with and around, or having dinner with people from other countries, inevitably, at some point of the night, the people from one particular country all start loudly singing songs, all together, happily, arm-in-arm. They all know the words and they love to sing them. It’s a huge part of European and South American culture that I have experienced first hand. And it has always made me extremely envious. When I heard the news this morning about Jimmy Buffett’s passing, I thought to myself, if we did have a universal, national, party song the closest thing to it would have to be Margaritaville. Who doesn’t sing along to this song?

“Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been” – Jimmy Buffett

“Life is just a tire swing” – Jimmy Buffett

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.