
My daughter and I were in the car the other day, and an indicator lit up on my dashboard. My heart lurched. I felt kind of panicky and uneasy. It turned out to be my low fuel indicator. I needed to get gas. I hadn’t seen that indicator in so long, it alarmed me. Just another crazy thing about this pandemic situation, I suppose. My response did make me laugh out loud, so that is a good thing.

We were driving home from giving blood. We were hoping that we each had miraculous coronavirus antibodies, but alas, the test results came back today, and we didn’t. However, I did get smacked upside the head with the reality of my pandemic pork out. I’ve let calories be my units of comfort. I realize that I have needed too much “comforting” this past year. I tried to avert my eyes from the scale, but it lit up like my dashboard indicator. “Wake up and smell the coffee, lady” seems to be the message all of the way around.

I saw this on a sign the other day:

“We are responsible for everything that goes into our mouths and everything that comes out of them.”

I think that sign was tailor made for me. I need to be more cognizant on both accounts. I suppose it is good to enter the holidays, with a good reality check. Watch what goes into my mouth and what comes out of it, keep up my oil changes (in both my car and in my body- by regularly giving blood), and recognize when I am low on fuel and running on fumes, before the brightly lit indicators start happening. These are good things to recognize before the thrust of the holidays is upon us and the warning indicators get lost in the jumble of brightly colored twinkle lights.