Love is . . . .

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends and readers! I love you. I love your support. I love your validation. I love waking up and being excited to write for me . . . and for you. I love the connection that we have with each other. I love exploring life this way, with you, my friends. I love aging together and laughing together about all the frills and the follies, of it all. On this Valentine’s Day, know that you are loved. I love you.

When I was a little kid in the 1970s, I loved looking in the newspaper for the one cartoon that was always set off by itself. It featured two little nudies and it’s title was Love is . . . . Here are a few quotes from that cartoon, that I found today when I looked up the cartoon history.

Love is what you fill your home with.

Love is the way to grow.

Love is the past, the present and the future.

Love is all around us. I hate when Valentine’s Day makes people feel sad or bad, because love is NOT exclusive. Love is what is making this whole planet turn on its axis. By definition, Creation is Love and we are Creation, therefore we are Love. This is a day to celebrate what and who we are when you strip away all of the non-essential stuff. We are love. Inclusive. No pressure or expectations. Unconditional. We are love.

Today, I hope that the love in all of our hearts swells with a peace and a happiness that feels like it is going to burst. I hope that we notice that very burst of love in babies’ eyes, dogs’ wagging tails, delicious food, warm coffee, kindly people opening our doors or letting us cut in a high traffic lane. I hope we experience that burst of love in the anticipatory smile of a young man or the shiny eyes of an old man, carrying a bouquet of flowers. I hope that we glean that love when we gaze at the flowers that once bloomed on a beautiful plant that helps us to breathe. I hope that we feel love when a cat rubs against our legs or some beautiful birds take some time at the feeders that we put out in our yards and maintain. I hope that the burst of love is felt when we take extra time in the shower or allow ourselves to rest when our bodies ask for that all-important extra touch of self-care and self-love.

In the end there is no real definition of love. Love is everywhere, for everyone, about everyone. Really, on Valentine’s Day especially, let’s take notice:

Love is.