Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The other day, a few members of my family and I were crowded around my phone, looking for a particular photo from a particular trip. As we were scrolling through my pictures, it became evident to all of us that almost half of my photo roll contained screenshots of words, and quotes, and excerpts from books and short poems. We all laughed. It was one of those moments that you get a true screenshot of your own self, and what truly moves you and captures your attention. Today, use this day to discover yourself. Scroll through your picture roll. Be a sleuth. Look at the clues. Open the doors. Look at the patterns. Feel what feels right. Feel what feels wrong, and change it. Fall in love with yourself. Make a point to see what those who know the real you, and who love the real you, love about you, and then, decide to heartily agree with them.

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Here is my poem for the day:

“I wonder”

I wonder what this day would look like,

if half of it wasn’t crying in lament about the past,

All of the old stories and questions rehashed and rehashed.

I wonder what this day would look like,

if half of it wasn’t spent in worry about the times ahead,

filled with concern, and a queasy stomach consumed with dread.

I wonder what this day would look like,

If I just take it as it comes,

Deeply feeling every moment’s hums,

Moment by moment. Here. Gone. Here. Gone.

I wonder.