Partial List

A Partial List of Random Things That I Love:

  • Remembering something that you were looking forward to (like a book release or a TV series drop or something that you had ordered) that you had temporarily forgotten about and getting excited about it all over again.
  • A really, good smooth writing pen – extra bonus if it was a free pen given away at a really cool place or at a memorable event.
  • A really thick, intriguing looking magazine.
  • Unscheduled days full of whimsy.
  • Serendipity.
  • Stories told by little kids, and watching their minds and imaginations churning, as they continue to embellish their stories.
  • Witnessing random acts of kindness.
  • Feeling the sweet relaxation of total surrender.
  • Hitting every green light.
  • My dog, Josie, “helping” me make my bed.
  • Twix bars.
  • The magic, transformative power of sunglasses. (you get a different attitude with every pair, trust me on this)
  • Total trust in your hair stylist.
  • Trick-or-treaters, particularly the ones who really take their costume to a whole new level and “become” the character they are dressed up to be.
  • Rain cancellations that you were secretly hoping for.
  • Laugh lines next to kind eyes.
  • The rare nights that all six members of my family are sleeping peacefully under one roof.
  • Almost all Italian food.
  • Feeling like my digestive system is actually working efficiently and correctly.
  • People who take their jobs seriously.
  • People who dare to start new things, like clubs and companies and events.
  • Guest stars on Saturday Night Live who really give it “their all.”

These are just a few things to came to my mind in less than ten minutes. I dare you to do your own list today. You’ll be amazed at every little thing that holds meaning and happiness for you! Maybe if we were required to come up with one of these love lists with every to-do list that we write, the stuff on the to-do list wouldn’t seem so daunting or banal or meaningless. The love list is more fun to come up with, that’s for sure.

“There are three kinds of people in this world: 1) People who make lists, 2) People who don’t make lists, and 3) People who carve tiny Nativity scenes out of pecan hulls. I’m sorry, there isn’t really a third category; it’s just that a workable list needs a minimum of three items, I feel.” – Mary Roach