Monday Fun-Day

In case you missed it, this was one of the funnier commercials that ran during the Super Bowl. There were a lot of things that I liked about this year’s Super Bowl, including Tampa Bay’s win, but I did notice something kind of obscure, at the beginning of the game, that got me to thinking. When the sign language translator was translating “America the Beautiful”, the symbol for “America” seemed to be the loving, cradling of a baby. In a historical sense, the United States of America is very much a baby country. Our country is 245 years old. China, Japan, Iran and Greece are thousands of years old, each. We have an exceptional, gifted, healthy baby country with an excellent foundation, and yet also, so much growing to do. Like all babies, in order to reach its highest potential, our baby country needs to be guided, and cradled in Love.

This is from an article entitled “How To Raise a Happy Baby and Child”, published on the babycenter website:

We are all helping to raise our baby country, whose potential is phenomenal. The steps above, give us good guidelines to use, in order to help America become all that it is meant to be, in the thousands of years ahead, in “his” long-lived journey of Life. What a beautiful gift and responsibility, our baby is to us! How blessed we are to cradle our America, in our arms, nourishing America into “her” greatest potential!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.