Soul Sunday

Welcome to poetry day on the blog. Jorge Borges was a famous Argentinian writer and poet. This is what he said about why poetry is important in an interview:

Tell me, does this poem below move you? It was written by the American poet, Laura Gilpin (who only wrote one prize winning book of poetry, until she became a nurse, and a hospital reform advocate and she worked in medicine for the rest of her life). If this poem (or any other) moves you, “it is not an insignificant event.” A poem is a tiny little gathering of words, which has the ability to evoke deep emotion and poignant energy which reminds us about just how alive we are in our own bodies, not just by the way of our senses and our mind’s perceptions of our senses, but from the sentimental longings of our own hearts.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

662. Have you ever been in a submarine?