Fill the Desire

For a few minutes at a time, instead of being the one who does the desiring, imagine instead that everything desires you: Your morning coffee really wants you to taste it; The trees are yearning for you to notice the bright green of their leaves; The breeze wants you to enjoy it’s soft touch on your cheek; Even the ground under your shoes is waiting for you to notice the lively sensation it creates as you walk.
Suddenly, the world lights up — and so do you.
—Jane Brunette

I thought that this was a perfect Sunday morning quote.  It adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the day.  It makes you feel like the everyday items of your life are conspiring with you to really make life come alive in the fullest of ways.  As I am typing this, I am believing that the words want to come out and that the keyboard is thrilled with my touch.  For the first time in a long time, I am noticing how cool and smooth my keyboard buttons are to touch.  I am glancing outside and noticing for the first time in a while, that the trees in the nature preserve, across our small lake are like a gorgeous stand-still display for me to look out and admire whenever I want to, in order to behold their still, strong collective, astonishing beauty.  The trees never leave their strong positions, even if I spend days forgetting that they are there.  My tile floor feels so cool and soothing to my feet and that sensation moves up my legs to bring comfort to my entire body.

Everything in creation wants to do what it was designed to do.  Everything wants to suit its purpose and feel appreciated for the meaningful part it plays in this unfolding of Life.  Sunday is the perfect day for noticing, for noticing everything and in noticing everything, feeling deep gratefulness and awe of it all.