No Place

Hi friends. I’m home. And I’m soaking it in. And my dogs won’t leave my side. And my energy is filling in the space that I left when I went on my trip, like the perfect last puzzle piece fills in, and completes the puzzle. I love travel. I love the people whom I traveled to visit, but man oh man, I also love home. That’s what’s wonderful about taking breaks from home. New slippers look fancy and fabulous and interesting and are really fun to try on and to wear for a little bit, but there is nothing like your long worn, classic, never to be thrown out slippers which mold your own feet perfectly and help you to breathe more deeply and more comfortably and fully, than you ever breathe, when you slip your feet into them and nestle into their warm, soft, nurturing welcome. Home. Love. I’ve brought a few new things, and ideas, and inspirations, and personal expansions with me to Home. And Home says “Thank you! We have room for these wonderful new extensions of you!” And she hugs me, and she welcomes me back with the warmth of familiarity, and coziness, and peace. There is no place like home.

60 Best Family Quotes 2022 - Short Quotes About the Importance of Family

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.